December 29, 2009

Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!

Bird feeders and bellies are filled up with holiday goodies...

You know by my sidebar that I very admire the work Greg Mortenson does for schoolchildren in Afghanistan - I just finished reading his latest book 'Stones into Schools' - another fantastic read - and this time I finally wrote him a letter (small) and enclosed it with a money order (small) that came from a large jar with a year's worth of pennies - all those small amounts add up, right!? What if we all brought in our pennies and forwarded the money to a cause close to our hearts? I wish you all a healthy and happy 2010!

December 14, 2009

Things to do in a small country town

Look what came through our small country town this morning - the torch is off to Beautiful British Columbia - perhaps my dad and sister will get to see it over there... Seeing all the young children made me think of other family wintry activities to do such as:
-watch birds at your birdfeeder,take photo's
-make a 'manifestation' poster for the new year,
-go snowshoeing, skiing, skating
-'force' amarylis bulbs, grow sprouts in a jar
-take a class on healthy eating (such as my Healthy Digestion class in Jan.)
-exchange a smile and open a door for a stranger!

December 7, 2009

I'm a 'Published Author' !

My article about my upcoming Healthy Digestion class was published in the 'Tone' Magazine, December issue, on Page 26! If you would like to know how to make your digestive system happier using herbs and healthy foods, send me an email and I will get back to you with information about the next scheduled class!.